Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Day in the Life of Me!

So I have had a request that I blog about homeschooling, so I am going to tell you what a basic weekday of my life as a homeschooler is like!

8:30- wake up and take my blanket downstairs and lay on the couch and maybe eat breakfast.
9:00- get ready for the day(shower, get dressed, makeup ect)
9:30ish- reading, math, piano, chores, writing.
12:00- LUNCH!!
12:30- history.
1:00- we are usually done!!
1:00-3:30- what ever maybe hang out with my brothers.
3:30-6:30 hang out with my friends
6:30- DINNER!!
7:00- read aloud time!
8:00- little brothers in bed and time for TV with mom and other little brother
(American Idol DWTS Biggest Loser and when my other little brother is in bed we watch The Office)!
10:00- I my nice cozy bed!!!


Paige said...

Very cool Maddy. Do you like it? Do you wish you went to regular school? Do you miss your friends during the day or glad you don't have to deal with that lame stuff? Why bother to get your make-up on so early? And can you sleep in longer??? That would be my biggest question, of course.

AnnEE said...

That sounds like fun. You better not sign up for any early morning classes in College, or else you'll be in trouble! What grade are you in?