Thursday, June 26, 2008

So you think you can dance!

Have you been watching so you think you can dance if you haven't here are the best couples and best dances! This season is one of the best seasons ever!

~Chelsie and Mark~
Hip Hop

~Twitch and Kherington~
Hip Hop

~Katee and Joshua~
Hip Hop

This is so great here are any other dances that I missed on this post!
and here is the group dance!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Ok so you think that I am too young to go to prom but I am not! At least the home school prom! BUT I missed it!:( Ya I was sad! so that night I designed a beautiful one on the computer! Go to this website and this is a real store!!!

Then I was Really bored so I found these REALLY ugly and REALLY pretty dresses!

OK.... this is like a million tutus in one!! Weird!

Umm you comment on this one. I dont know what to say. But who in the world thought of
something like this? No offense!

Ok seriously click on this one and look at all the bows on the skirt! There are like a million!

Lightning bolts? Seriously?
This is like a tiered balloon!
Ok now for the Cute ones!!

Oh I LOVE this one!! I love the color and the sash!

I love the colors and I love the shape!

This one is like the one at the top but longer! I like the short one better!

I love this one cause It is so basic but beautiful! (it comes in like 15 other colors)

Here are the links to the websites where I got the dresses!
The not so cute ones. (some of the ones on this website are cute)
The totally cute ones!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


oH MY GOSH HE WON!!!!! I am SO happy!!! I love him!!

I love Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

.....NiCk ThE GrEaT......

I miss my buddy!!!!!:(

AwEsOmEnEsS Nick!

Nice..... Nick taking Pics of himself at Hannah's B-day! my personal fav!
Willi looks like he is going to kill him! I love you Nick! Dont let Willi kill you!

La Food Man!! he loves cheese and ham and Raman and dark chocolate!

You can sleep under a comforter of memories!! LOL!! I gave him my bed sheets!!


Bye Bye Utah, Hello Idaho!

I want to relive my Utah memories!

Miki being cute!

Me and my Miki being Barbies!

It is a happy end for us! I love you Mikaela!

I miss you Aura and Christan!

No comment about that day! LoL! I love you guys!!

I love you Okley! I miss you! Go David Archaletta!

Yo buddies! I miss you all SO much! I dont have any Pics of the rest of you Hfield people! So send me some!! Individual pics too so I can put them in! I love you!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Things I do my mom gets peeved about!

I can get on my mom's nerves SO easy! This is some of the things I do!
  • Say that I cleaned my bathroom or bedroom and didn't!
  • Or say that I cleaned my bathroom and DID but not with "cleaning stuff"!
  • I turn on 80's music, or anything "popular"
  • When I am on "her" computer!
Thing SHE does that get on my nerves!
  • When we are I the car and I am listening to the radio then she changes to "Oprah and Friends", then i change it back and then this goes on for like 5 mins then it is, "Maddy stop it or you are grounded!" seriously I dont want to listen to Rabbi Smoothie or what ever!!
  • She cleans out my closet with out asking!

PS I will probably get in trouble for posting this!! I love you mom!

Monday, March 31, 2008

It was an adventure!

Sorry I have not updated for awhile. I have been so busy lately. So here is what I have been doing. This weekend I had the chance to go backpacking to Bullet Canyon to Grand Gulch (in Utah) with my friends. It was a very amazing experience. We hiked a total of 22 miles in 3 days. We saw lots of cool Anasazi Indian ruins. It was way fun! The last day was the hardest because we had been hiking less than we needed to the 2 days before so really we had 11 more miles to go!

Some unexpected things we encountered were:
  • Running out of water
  • A Norwegian tour group (there for the "canyon experience") who directed us to water
  • Dangling off the edge of a cliff
  • Racing against the sun to get to the top of the canyon
  • Praying for water, survival, and a car to come by to take my friends' dad the last 7 miles to the RV while we slept on the side of the road and waited at from 10pm until 1am
This was an experience I will never forget!(to hear mom's side of the story visit Mom's blog)!

The first day of hiking!

Time to set up camp!

Cool Ruins(they don't have a name)
Elijah, Aura, Me, and Christian!
Tina, Christian, Me, Aura, Sierra, Ethan, Robin, and Elijah!
Aww, Derrick is a sad puppy he can't make it up!
Just a cool hand print.
It was a tight squeeze!
It feels good not to have those packs on!

Monday, March 17, 2008

My I pod Playlist!

I have like a million playlists on my I pod, because every time I get new songs on it I have to make a playlist. It is a weird habit! I got some new songs on it yesterday so this what I have on the playlist;

1. Realize~Colbie Caillat
2. Dance like there is no Tomorrow~Paula Abdul & Randy Jackson
3. Mary's Song~Taylor Swift
4. Teardrops on my Guitar~Taylor Swift
5. Our Song~Taylor Swift
6. Like a Star~
Corinne Bailey Rae
7. Raise It Up~ August Rush soundtrack
8. Sleep through the Static~ Jack Johnson
9. All at Once~ Jack Johnson
10.Go On~ Jack Johnson
11. Bleeding Love~Leona Lewis

Seriously check out these songs!:)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Day in the Life of Me!

So I have had a request that I blog about homeschooling, so I am going to tell you what a basic weekday of my life as a homeschooler is like!

8:30- wake up and take my blanket downstairs and lay on the couch and maybe eat breakfast.
9:00- get ready for the day(shower, get dressed, makeup ect)
9:30ish- reading, math, piano, chores, writing.
12:00- LUNCH!!
12:30- history.
1:00- we are usually done!!
1:00-3:30- what ever maybe hang out with my brothers.
3:30-6:30 hang out with my friends
6:30- DINNER!!
7:00- read aloud time!
8:00- little brothers in bed and time for TV with mom and other little brother
(American Idol DWTS Biggest Loser and when my other little brother is in bed we watch The Office)!
10:00- I my nice cozy bed!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Ok so we all know that the Academy Awards were on Sunday, and we all comment on the hideous and beautiful dresses! These are my opinions!

Is there a Mermaid in the house!

I love that black dress with the necklace!

What is with the feathery stuff in the bust area?

The red dresses! So I am not a big fan of Anne Hathaway's dress but the skirt part is pretty, I don't like the collar of Heidi Klum's dresses but the rest is so pretty, my favorite is probably Miley Cyrus she is not my favorite person but the dress is beautiful!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

So a blog...!

Umm..... a blog. I have never had a blog, this is interesting! My life is not exciting at all! So let's see, here is a funny conversation that my little bro and little cousin had!,

Will: Ella you're weird!

Ella: No I'm not!

Mom: Will say something nice.

Will: Ella you're sparkley!

Ella: I know!

WOW! that was hilarious, you had to be there!!

So anyway here is an awesome link to one of my best guy friends in some Heeleys videos!